About the Team
About our philosophy, qualifications and our passion for snow
Christoph Gruber
.. has founded and manages the program of alpsolution.at und freeride-hohetauern.com together with Stefan. His favourite thing is to stand on the skis, because the downhill is still the best part of the ascent. Climbing, indoor and much more on the rocks should be mentioned as first thing here. His area expertise lies definately in the Hohe Tauern, the Dolomites as well as the Julische & Karnische alps where he did many ice, rock and (steep face) skiing tours. Christoph is instructor at BSPA Graz, and across Austria at the Sportunion and the Alpenverein (Austrian alpinist association).
UIAGM mountain- & skiing guide, skiing instructor, climbing trainer, alpine educator, degree in process engineering

Stefan Lieb-Lind
… has founded freeride-hohetauern.com together with Christoph and manages the program of alpsolution.at. Eventhough the term „prehistoric rock“ is geologically questionable, it definately fits to Stefan’s longstanding experience in skiing & mountaineering. The terms „first ascent“, „first befahrung?!“ and „expedition journey“ are practicly unseperable with Stefan.
UIAGM mountain and skiguide, degree in geography

Anna Pretnar
.. is mainly responsible for marketing & PR. She loves all kind of sports but in winter you’ll most likely find her somewhere on a mountain skiing or freeriding. She actually got her first freeriding experiences at Hohe Tauern with Christoph so she knows how it feels like to get passionate about it. Plus she knows what you as a customer need to enjoy your courses. Anna is happy to talk to you not only in German and English, but also in Italian, Slovene and a bit of French and Spanish if you wish.
Marketing & PR specialist, degree in psychology/media communications, MBA